Saturday, September 4, 2010


Who...? What...? When...? Where...? Why...? ...and finally...How...?

I've been full of 'can't's lately. How come I can't do this. How come I can't do that? Just thoroughly beating down myself down.

I have also been full of nobody's. Nobody will let me do what I want to do.. or sometimes need to do.

But then I ask come I can't be happy? 

That's kinda a stupid can't when you think about it, but when I am full of 'can't's I can't be happy. And then I repeat it to myself.

Why can't I be happy? After a while it will start to sound like a pretty honest question.  How come I can't be happy? and why do I want to be full of nobody's? 

I have found that it's because I "can't" be happy.  When did I ever start believing those words?  I deserve better than that.

I can be happy.  In fact, ...I deserve to be happy!