Saturday, September 4, 2010


Who...? What...? When...? Where...? Why...? ...and finally...How...?

I've been full of 'can't's lately. How come I can't do this. How come I can't do that? Just thoroughly beating down myself down.

I have also been full of nobody's. Nobody will let me do what I want to do.. or sometimes need to do.

But then I ask come I can't be happy? 

That's kinda a stupid can't when you think about it, but when I am full of 'can't's I can't be happy. And then I repeat it to myself.

Why can't I be happy? After a while it will start to sound like a pretty honest question.  How come I can't be happy? and why do I want to be full of nobody's? 

I have found that it's because I "can't" be happy.  When did I ever start believing those words?  I deserve better than that.

I can be happy.  In fact, ...I deserve to be happy! 

1 comment:

  1. I believe that part of the problem most of us have being happy is that we have been brain washed to believe in the "pursuit of happiness". Happiness is not a pursuit, it is not something to be obtained, it is not dependent on anyone or anything outside ourselves. It is a state of mind, a choice. We must CHOOSE to be happy. That is very hard for most of us to do. But that is the only way to BE happy is to choose to be happy. It is a state of being, not a state of doing. One of my favorite phrases is "I am a human being, not a human doing". We also tend to depend on others to make us happy, which means we are giving them power over us. Something else I have a hard time remembering, so remind me when I forget and I will remind you. :-))
